Me and the RSB
Royal Society of Biology · Self Service
Professional Registers
Professional development is essential for today's biologists. Professionalism is continually strived for but encompasses much more than just a job specification. To be truly professional, one must adhere to the ethics and conduct of your area of practice, maintain the standards of knowledge and practice necessary to fulfil your role, and participate in Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Through a licence, offered by the Science Council, the Royal Society of Biology is now able to offer members four registers:
- Registered Science Technician (RSciTech)
- Registered Scientist (RSci)
- Chartered Scientist (CSci)
- Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach)
This is in addition to our Chartered Biologist (CBiol) status. All those who are committed to the biological sciences in academia, industry, education and research are eligible to join their appropriate register. All these registers can be applied for here. Our Professional Registers page has a full list of registers administered by the Society and includes a Professional Registers Comparison document.
Elections for the registers are quarterly, occurring on the 1st January, April, July, October. We recommend you submit your application 6 weeks before election in order for it to be considered in time.
Please note that this suggested timing is based on a straightforward application, and should your submission merit further discussion, it may be postponed until the following election.